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1 /************************************************************ 2 * Copyright * 3 * Portions of this software are Copyright (c) 1993 - 2002, * 4 * Chad Z. Hower (Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew * 5 * - * 6 ************************************************************/ 7 package org.indy; 8 9 import java.util.ListResourceBundle; 10 11 12 /*** 13 * IdResourceStrings 14 * 15 *@author owen 16 */ 17 public class IdResourceStrings extends ListResourceBundle { 18 final static Object[][] contents = new String[][] 19 { 20 { "RSThreadAlreadyStarted", "Thread is already running" }, 21 { "RSThreadAlreadyStopped", "Thread is already stopped" }, 22 { "RSThreadAlreadySuspended", "Thread is already suspened" }, 23 { "RS0BytesWereSent", "0 bytes were sent." }, 24 { "RSConnectionClosed", "Connection Closed" }, 25 { "RSNotConnected", "Not Connected" }, 26 { "RSMaxLineLengthExceeded", "Maximum Line Length Exceeded" }, 27 { "RSAlreadyConnected", "Already connected." }, 28 { "RSByteIndexOutOfBounds", "Byte index out of range." }, 29 { "RSCannotAllocateSocket", "Cannot allocate socket." }, 30 { "RSConnectionClosedGracefully", "Connection Closed Gracefully." }, 31 { "RSConnectTimeout", "Timed out whilst connecting" }, 32 { "RSReadTimedOut", "Timed out whilst trying to read from socket" }, 33 { 34 "RSCouldNotBindSocket", 35 "Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use." 36 }, 37 { "RSFailedTimeZoneInfo", "Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information." }, 38 { "RSNoBindingsSpecified", "No bindings specified." }, 39 { "RSNotAllBytesSent", "Not all bytes sent." }, 40 { "RSNotEnoughDataInBuffer", "Not enough data in buffer." }, 41 { "RSPackageSizeTooBig", "Package Size Too Big." }, 42 { "RSUDPReceiveError0", "UDP Receive Error = 0." }, 43 { "RSRawReceiveError0", "Raw Receive Error = 0." }, 44 { "RSICMPReceiveError0", "ICMP Receive Error = 0." }, 45 { "RSWinsockInitializationError", "Winsock Initialization Error." }, 46 { "RSCouldNotLoad", "{0} could not be loaded." }, 47 { "RSSetSizeExceeded", "Set Size Exceeded." }, 48 { "RSThreadClassNotSpecified", "Thread Class Not Specified." }, 49 { "RSCannotChangeDebugTargetAtWhileActive", "Cannot change target while active." }, 50 { "RSOnlyOneAntiFreeze", "Only one IdAntiFreeze can exist per application." }, 51 { 52 "RSInterceptPropIsNil", 53 "InterceptEnabled cannot be set to true when Intercept is null." 54 }, 55 { "RSInterceptPropInvalid", "Intercept value is not valid" }, 56 { "RSObjectTypeNotSupported", "Object type not supported." }, 57 { 58 "RSAcceptWaitCannotBeModifiedWhileServerIsActive", 59 "AcceptWait property cannot be modified while server is active." 60 }, 61 { "RSStatusResolving", "Resolving hostname {0}." }, 62 { "RSStatusConnecting", "Connecting to {0}." }, 63 { "RSStatusConnected", "Connected." }, 64 { "RSStatusDisconnecting", "Disconnecting from {0}." }, 65 { "RSStatusDisconnected", "Not connected." }, 66 { "RSNNTPStringListNotInitialized", "Stringlist not initialized!" }, 67 { "RSNNTPNoOnNewsgroupList", "No OnNewsgroupList event has been defined." }, 68 { "RSNNTPNoOnNewGroupsList", "No OnNewGroupsList event has been defined." }, 69 { "RSNNTPNoOnNewNewsList", "No OnNewNewsList event has been defined." }, 70 { "RSHTTPContinue", "Continue" }, 71 { "RSHTTPSwitchingProtocols", "Switching protocols" }, 72 { "RSHTTPOK", "OK" }, 73 { "RSHTTPCreated", "Created" }, 74 { "RSHTTPAccepted", "Accepted" }, 75 { "RSHTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation", "Non-authoritative Information" }, 76 { "RSHTTPNoContent", "No Content" }, 77 { "RSHTTPResetContent", "Reset Content" }, 78 { "RSHTTPPartialContent", "Partial Content" }, 79 { "RSHTTPMovedPermanently", "Moved Permanently" }, 80 { "RSHTTPMovedTemporarily", "Moved Temporarily" }, 81 { "RSHTTPSeeOther", "See Other" }, 82 { "RSHTTPNotModified", "Not Modified" }, 83 { "RSHTTPUseProxy", "Use Proxy" }, 84 { "RSHTTPBadRequest", "Bad Request" }, 85 { "RSHTTPUnauthorized", "Unauthorized" }, 86 { "RSHTTPForbidden", "Forbidden" }, 87 { "RSHTTPNotFound", "Not Found" }, 88 { "RSHTTPMethodeNotallowed", "Method not allowed" }, 89 { "RSHTTPNotAcceptable", "Not Acceptable" }, 90 { "RSHTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired", "Proxy Authentication Required" }, 91 { "RSHTTPRequestTimeout", "Request Timeout" }, 92 { "RSHTTPConflict", "Conflict" }, 93 { "RSHTTPGone", "Gone" }, 94 { "RSHTTPLengthRequired", "Length Required" }, 95 { "RSHTTPPreconditionFailed", "Precondition Failed" }, 96 { "RSHTTPRequestEntityToLong", "Request Entity To Long" }, 97 { "RSHTTPRequestURITooLong", "Request-URI Too Long. 256 Chars max" }, 98 { "RSHTTPUnsupportedMediaType", "Unsupported Media Type" }, 99 { "RSHTTPInternalServerError", "Internal Server Error" }, 100 { "RSHTTPNotImplemented", "Not Implemented" }, 101 { "RSHTTPBadGateway", "Bad Gateway" }, 102 { "RSHTTPServiceUnavailable", "Service Unavailable" }, 103 { "RSHTTPGatewayTimeout", "Gateway timeout" }, 104 { "RSHTTPHTTPVersionNotSupported", "HTTP version not supported" }, 105 { "RSHTTPUnknownResponseCode", "Unknown Response Code" }, 106 { "RSHTTPHeaderAlreadyWritten", "Header has already been written." }, 107 { "RSHTTPErrorParsingCommand", "Error in parsing command." }, 108 { "RSHTTPUnsupportedAuthorisationScheme", "Unsupported authorization scheme." }, 109 { 110 "RSHTTPCannotSwitchSessionStateWhenActive", 111 "Cannot change session state when the server is active." 112 }, 113 { "RSCorruptServicesFile", "{0} is corrupt." }, 114 { "RSInvalidServiceName", "{0} is not a valid service." }, 115 { 116 "RSStackError", 117 "Socket Error # {0}" + System.getProperty("line.separator") + "{1}" 118 }, 119 { "RSStackEINTR", "Interrupted system call." }, 120 { "RSStackEBADF", "Bad file number." }, 121 { "RSStackEACCES", "Access denied." }, 122 { "RSStackEFAULT", "Bad address." }, 123 { "RSStackEINVAL", "Invalid argument." }, 124 { "RSStackEMFILE", "Too many open files." }, 125 { "RSStackEWOULDBLOCK", "Operation would block. " }, 126 { "RSStackEINPROGRESS", "Operation now in progress." }, 127 { "RSStackEALREADY", "Operation already in progress." }, 128 { "RSStackENOTSOCK", "Socket operation on non-socket." }, 129 { "RSStackEDESTADDRREQ", "Destination address required." }, 130 { "RSStackEMSGSIZE", "Message too long." }, 131 { "RSStackEPROTOTYPE", "Protocol wrong type for socket." }, 132 { "RSStackENOPROTOOPT", "Bad protocol option." }, 133 { "RSStackEPROTONOSUPPORT", "Protocol not supported." }, 134 { "RSStackESOCKTNOSUPPORT", "Socket type not supported." }, 135 { "RSStackEOPNOTSUPP", "Operation not supported on socket." }, 136 { "RSStackEPFNOSUPPORT", "Protocol family not supported." }, 137 { "RSStackEAFNOSUPPORT", "Address family not supported by protocol family." }, 138 { "RSStackEADDRINUSE", "Address already in use." }, 139 { "RSStackEADDRNOTAVAIL", "Can't assign requested address." }, 140 { "RSStackENETDOWN", "Network is down." }, 141 { "RSStackENETUNREACH", "Network is unreachable." }, 142 { "RSStackENETRESET", "Net dropped connection or reset." }, 143 { "RSStackECONNABORTED", "Software caused connection abort." }, 144 { "RSStackECONNRESET", "Connection reset by peer." }, 145 { "RSStackENOBUFS", "No buffer space available." }, 146 { "RSStackEISCONN", "Socket is already connected." }, 147 { "RSStackENOTCONN", "Socket is not connected." }, 148 { "RSStackESHUTDOWN", "Cannot send or receive after socket is closed." }, 149 { "RSStackETOOMANYREFS", "Too many references, can't splice." }, 150 { "RSStackETIMEDOUT", "Connection timed out." }, 151 { "RSStackECONNREFUSED", "Connection refused." }, 152 { "RSStackELOOP", "Too many levels of symbolic links." }, 153 { "RSStackENAMETOOLONG", "File name too long." }, 154 { "RSStackEHOSTDOWN", "Host is down." }, 155 { "RSStackEHOSTUNREACH", "No route to host." }, 156 { "RSStackENOTEMPTY", "Directory not empty" }, 157 { "RSStackEPROCLIM", "Too many processes." }, 158 { "RSStackEUSERS", "Too many users." }, 159 { "RSStackEDQUOT", "Disk Quota Exceeded." }, 160 { "RSStackESTALE", "Stale NFS file handle." }, 161 { "RSStackEREMOTE", "Too many levels of remote in path." }, 162 { "RSStackSYSNOTREADY", "Network subsystem is unavailable." }, 163 { "RSStackVERNOTSUPPORTED", "WINSOCK DLL Version out of range." }, 164 { "RSStackNOTINITIALISED", "Winsock not loaded yet." }, 165 { "RSStackHOST_NOT_FOUND", "Host not found." }, 166 { 167 "RSStackTRY_AGAIN", 168 "Non-authoritative response (try again or check DNS setup)." 169 }, 170 { "RSStackNO_RECOVERY", "Non-recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP." }, 171 { "RSStackNO_DATA", "Valid name, no data record (check DNS setup)." }, 172 { "RSCMDNotRecognized", "command not recognized" }, 173 { "RSGopherNotGopherPlus", "{0} is not a Gopher+ server" }, 174 { "RSCodeNoError ", "RCode NO Error" }, 175 { "RSCodeQueryFormat", "DNS Server Reports Query Format Error" }, 176 { "RSCodeQueryServer", "DNS Server Reports Query Server Error" }, 177 { "RSCodeQueryName ", "DNS Server Reports Query Name Error" }, 178 { "RSCodeQueryNotImplemented", "DNS Server Reports Query Not Implemented Error" }, 179 { "RSCodeQueryQueryRefused", "DNS Server Reports Query Refused Error" }, 180 { "RSCodeQueryUnknownError", "Server Returned Unknown Error" }, 181 { "RSDNSMFIsObsolete", "MF is an Obsolete Command. USE MX." }, 182 { "RSDNSMDISObsolete", "MD is an Obsolete Command. Use MX." }, 183 { "RSDNSMailAObsolete", "MailA is an Obsolete Command. USE MX." }, 184 { "RSDNSMailBNotImplemented", "-Err 501 MailB is not implemented" }, 185 { "RSQueryInvalidQueryCount", "Invaild Query Count {0}" }, 186 { "RSQueryInvalidPacketSize", "Invalid Packet Size {0}" }, 187 { "RSQueryLessThanFour", "Received Packet is too small. Less than 4 bytes {0}" }, 188 { "RSQueryInvalidHeaderID", "Invalid Header Id {0}" }, 189 { "RSQueryLessThanTwelve", "Received Packet is too small. Less than 12 bytes {0}" }, 190 { "RSQueryPackReceivedTooSmall", "Received Packet is too small. {0}" }, 191 { "RSLPDDataFileSaved", "Data file saved to {0}" }, 192 { "RSLPDControlFileSaved", "Control file save to {0}" }, 193 { "RSLPDDirectoryDoesNotExist", "Directory {0} doesn't exist" }, 194 { "RSLPDServerStartTitle", "Winshoes LPD Server {0} " }, 195 { "RSLPDServerActive", "Server status: active" }, 196 { "RSLPDQueueStatus ", "Queue {0} status: {1}" }, 197 { "RSLPDClosingConnection", "closing connection" }, 198 { "RSLPDUnknownQueue", "Unknown queue {0}" }, 199 { "RSLPDConnectTo", "connected with {0}" }, 200 { "RSLPDAbortJob", "abort job" }, 201 { "RSLPDReceiveControlFile", "Receive control file" }, 202 { "RSLPDReceiveDataFile", "Receive data file" }, 203 { "RSLPDNoQueuesDefined", "Error: no queues defined" }, 204 { "RSTimeOut", "Timeout" }, 205 { "RSTFTPUnexpectedOp", "Unexpected operation from {0}:{1}" }, 206 { "RSTFTPUnsupportedTrxMode", "Unsupported transfer mode: \"{0}\"" }, 207 { 208 "RSTFTPDiskFull", 209 "Unable to complete write request, progress halted at {0} bytes" 210 }, 211 { "RSTFTPFileNotFound", "Unable to open {0}" }, 212 { "RSTFTPAccessDenied", "Access to {0} denied" }, 213 { "RSTIdTextInvalidCount", "Invalid Text count. TIdText must be greater than 1" }, 214 { 215 "RSTIdMessagePartCreate", 216 "TIdMessagePart can not be created. Use descendant classes. " 217 }, 218 { "RSPOP3FieldNotSpecified", " not specified" }, 219 { "RSTELNETSRVUsernamePrompt", "Username: " }, 220 { "RSTELNETSRVPasswordPrompt", "Password: " }, 221 { "RSTELNETSRVInvalidLogin", "Invalid Login." }, 222 { "RSTELNETSRVMaxloginAttempt", "Allowed login attempts exceeded, good bye." }, 223 { "RSTELNETSRVNoAuthHandler", "No authentication handler has been specified." }, 224 { "RSTELNETSRVWelcomeString", "Indy Telnet Server" }, 225 { "RSTELNETCLIConnectError", "server not responding" }, 226 { "RSTELNETCLIReadError", "Server didn't respond." }, 227 { 228 "RSNETCALInvalidIPString ", 229 "The string {0} doesn't translate into a valid IP." 230 }, 231 { "RSNETCALCInvalidNetworkMask", "Invalid network mask." }, 232 { "RSNETCALCInvalidValueLength", "Invalid value length: Should be 32." }, 233 { 234 "RSNETCALConfirmLongIPList", 235 "There is too many IP addresses in the specified range ({0}) to be displayed at design time." 236 }, 237 238 { "RSAAboutFormCaption", "About" }, 239 { "RSAAboutBoxCompName", "Internet Direct (Indy)" }, 240 { "RSAAboutBoxVersion", "Version {0}" }, 241 { 242 "RSAAboutBoxCopyright", 243 244 "Copyright © 1993-2000" + System.getProperty("line.separator") + 245 " Kudzu (Chad Z. Hower) and the Indy Pit Crew" 246 }, 247 { 248 "RSAAboutBoxPleaseVisit", 249 "Please visit us at our website for the latest updates and information." 250 }, 251 { "RSAAboutBoxIndyWebsite", "" }, 252 { "RSAAboutCreditsCoordinator", "Project Coordinator" }, 253 { "RSAAboutCreditsCoCordinator", "Project Co-Coordinator" }, 254 { 255 "RSTunnelGetByteRange", 256 "Call to {0}.GetByte [property Bytes] with index <> [0..{1}]" 257 }, 258 { "RSTunnelTransformErrorBS", "Error in transformation before send" }, 259 { "RSTunnelTransformError", "Transform failed" }, 260 { "RSTunnelCRCFailed", "CRC Failed" }, 261 { "RSTunnelConnectMsg", "Connecting" }, 262 { "RSTunnelDisconnectMsg", "Disconnect" }, 263 { "RSTunnelConnectToMasterFailed", "Can't connect to the Master server" }, 264 { "RSTunnelDontAllowConnections", "Don't allow connctions now" }, 265 { "RSTunnelMessageTypeError", "Message type recognition error" }, 266 { "RSTunnelMessageHandlingError", "Message handling failed" }, 267 { "RSTunnelMessageInterpretError", "Interpretation of message failed" }, 268 { "RSTunnelMessageCustomInterpretError", "Custom message interpretation failed" }, 269 { "RSSocksRequestFailed", "Request rejected or failed." }, 270 { 271 "RSSocksRequestServerFailed", 272 "Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect." 273 }, 274 { 275 "RSSocksRequestIdentFailed", 276 "Request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids." 277 }, 278 { "RSSocksUnknownError", "Unknown socks error." }, 279 { "RSSocksServerRespondError", "Socks server didn't respond." }, 280 { "RSSocksAuthMethodError", "Invalid socks authentication method." }, 281 { "RSSocksAuthError", "Authentication error to socks server." }, 282 { "RSSocksServerGeneralError", "General SOCKS server failure." }, 283 { "RSSocksServerPermissionError", "Connection not allowed by ruleset." }, 284 { "RSSocksServerNetUnreachableError", "Network unreachable." }, 285 { "RSSocksServerHostUnreachableError", "Host unreachable." }, 286 { "RSSocksServerConnectionRefusedError", "Connection refused." }, 287 { "RSSocksServerTTLExpiredError", "TTL expired." }, 288 { "RSSocksServerCommandError", "Command not supported." }, 289 { "RSSocksServerAddressError", "Address type not supported." }, 290 { "RSDestinationFileAlreadyExists", "Destination file already exists." }, 291 { "RSSSLAcceptError", "Error accepting connection with SSL." }, 292 { "RSSSLConnectError", "Error connecting with SSL." }, 293 { "RSSSLSettingChiperError", "SetCipher failed." }, 294 { "RSSSLCreatingContextError", "Error creating SSL context." }, 295 { "RSSSLLoadingRootCertError", "Could not load root certificate." }, 296 { "RSSSLLoadingCertError", "Could not load certificate." }, 297 { "RSSSLLoadingKeyError", "Could not load key, check password." }, 298 { "RSSSLGetMethodError", "Error geting SSL method." }, 299 { "RSSSLDataBindingError", "Error binding data to SSL socket." }, 300 { "RSMsgCmpEdtrNew", "&New Message Part..." }, 301 { "RSMsgCmpEdtrExtraHead", "Extra Headers Text Editor" } 302 }; 303 304 /*** 305 * Gets the contents attribute of the IdResourceStrings object 306 * 307 *@return The contents value 308 */ 309 public Object[][] getContents() { 310 return contents; 311 } 312 }

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