Uses of Class

Packages that use IndyIOException

Uses of IndyIOException in org.indy

Methods in org.indy that throw IndyIOException
 void Connection.setReadTimeOut(int timeout)
          Sets the timeout for read operations.
 int Connection.getReadTimeOut()
          Returns the timeout for read operations.
protected  int Connection.performCapture(Connection.Capturable dest, java.lang.String delim, boolean isRFCMessage)
          Reads lines from the connection into dest until delim is hit, and returns the number of lines read into dest
 int Connection.capture(StringList strings, java.lang.String delim, boolean isRFC)
          Reads lines of text from the connection until into a StringList delim is found and returns the number of lines read.
 int Connection.capture(java.lang.StringBuffer strings, java.lang.String delim, boolean isRFC)
          Reads lines of text from the connection into a StringBuffer until delim is found and returns the number of lines read.
 int Connection.getResponse(int[] allowedResponses)
          Reads a response from the remote peer, typically of the form of a response code and some text, and checks that the code is within allowedResponses.
 int Connection.getResponse(int allowedResponse)
          Retreives a response from the connection using getInternalResponse and checks it for validity.
protected  void Connection.getInternalResponse()
          Used to implement the processing required for Connection.getResponse(int[]).
 java.lang.String Connection.readLineWait(int failCount)
          Invokes readLine and will allow upto failCount time outs before throwing ReadTimedOutException.
 java.lang.String Connection.readLineWait()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 java.lang.String Connection.readLine()
          Reads a line of text from the connection.
 java.lang.String Connection.readLine(int timeout, int maxLineLength)
          Reads a line of text from the connection.
 int Connection.readBuffer(byte[] b, int len)
          Fills a buffer, b, with up to len bytes of data from the connection.
 int Connection.readInt()
          Reads an int from this connection.
 long Connection.readLong()
          Reads a long from the connection
 char Connection.readChar()
          Read a char from the connection
 short Connection.readShort()
          Reads a short from the connection Connection.readStream(int byteCount, boolean readUntilDisconnect)
          Reads bytes from the socket and returns them in an InputStream.
 void Connection.writeRFCStrings(StringList strings)
          Write the contents of a StringList instance to this connection.
 void Connection.writeRFCReply(RFCReply reply)
          Write an RFCReply to this connection.
 void Connection.write(java.lang.String s)
          Write a String to this connection.
 void Connection.writeBuffer(byte[] buf)
          Write a buffer of bytes to this connection.
 void Connection.writeLine(java.lang.String line)
          Write a line of text to the connection.
 void Connection.writeHeader(StringList header)
          Write the contents of a StringList as an RFC header, translating strings of the form
 void Connection.writeInt(int value)
 void Connection.writeLong(long value)
          Write a long to the connection
 void Connection.writeShort(short value)
          Write a short to the connection
 void Connection.writeStrings(StringList strings, boolean writeLineCount)
          Write a the contents of a StringList instance to the connection as individual lines.
 void Connection.writeStream( stream, int len, boolean writeByteCount)
          Writes the contents of an InputStream to the connection
 void Connection.writeFile( f)
          Writes a File object to the stream
 byte[] Connection.currentReadBuffer()
          Returns the current data that can be read without blocking.
protected  byte[] Connection.readTillDisconnect()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 java.lang.String Connection.allData()
          Reads all data from the connection until disconnection occurs, and returns it as a String using the platform character encoding.
 java.lang.String Connection.allData(java.lang.String encoding)
          Reads all data from the connection until disconnection occurs, and returns it as a String using the character encoding specified by encoding, or the platform default if encoding is null.
 void TCPServer.setActive(boolean makeActive)
          Sets the active attribute of the IdTCPServer object
 java.lang.String TCPClient.readLineWait(int failCount)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 java.lang.String TCPClient.readLineWait()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 java.lang.String TCPClient.readLine()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 java.lang.String TCPClient.readLine(int timeout, int maxLineLength)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.readBuffer(byte[] b, int len)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int TCPClient.readInt()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 long TCPClient.readLong()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 char TCPClient.readChar()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 short TCPClient.readShort()
          DOCUMENT ME! TCPClient.readStream(int byteCount, boolean readUntilDisconnect)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.write(java.lang.String s)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.writeBuffer(byte[] buf)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.writeLine(java.lang.String line)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.writeHeader(StringList header)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.writeInt(int value)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.writeLong(long value)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.writeShort(short value)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.writeStrings(StringList strings, boolean writeLineCount)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.writeStream( stream, int len, boolean writeByteCount)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.writeFile( f)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 byte[] TCPClient.currentReadBuffer()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 java.lang.String TCPClient.allData()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.disconnect()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void TCPClient.setReadTimeOut(int timeout)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int TCPClient.getReadTimeOut()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of IndyIOException in

Subclasses of IndyIOException in
 class ConnectException
          Description of the Class
 class ConnectTimedOutException
          Description of the Class
 class IndyUnknownHostException
          Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company:
 class MaxLineLengthExceededException
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class NotConnectedException
 class PeerDisconnectedException
          Description of the Class
 class ReadTimedOutException
          Description of the Class

Methods in that throw IndyIOException
 IOHandler ServerIOHandler.accept( ss, IndyThread thread)
          Description of the Method
 IOHandler ServerIOHandlerSocket.accept( ss, IndyThread thread)
          Description of the Method
          Reads a single byte of data from this IOHandler's input
 int timeout)
          Reads a single byte of data from this IOHandler's input
 byte[] IOHandler.currentReadBuffer()
          Retreives the contents of the IOHandler's input that can be read without blocking.
 java.lang.String IOHandler.readLine()
          Reads a line of text from the IOHandler's input using the properties for read timeout and maxiumum linelength
 java.lang.String IOHandler.readLine(int timeout, int maxLine)
          Reads a line of text from the IOHandler's input.
 java.lang.String IOHandler.readLine(int timeout, int maxLine, java.lang.String encoding)
          Reads a line of text from the IOHandler using If encoding is null the default character encoding for the platform will be used.
 void IOHandler.connectClient(java.util.Map parameters, int timeout)
          Connects this IOHandler to a remote implementation.
 void IOHandler.flush()
          Flushes the output of this IOHandler.
 void IOHandler.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes some bytes to this IOHandler's output.
 void IOHandler.write(byte[] b)
          Writes some bytes to this IOHandler's output.
 void IOHandler.write(int b)
          Writes a single byte to this IOHandler's output
 int[] b)
          Reads some bytes from this IOHandler
 int[] b, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes from this IOHandler
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes from this IOHandler into b starting at off
 int[] b, int off, int len, int timeout)
          Reads up to len bytes from this IOHandler into b starting at off waiting for up to timeout for data.
 int IOHandler.available()
          Gets the number of bytes that can be read from this IOHandler without blocking
 int IOHandler.getReadTimeOut()
          Get the timeout to use for read operations on this IOHandler
 void IOHandler.setReadTimeOut(int newTimeout)
          Sets the timeout to use for read operations on this IOHandler
 void AbstractIOHandler.connectClient(java.util.Map parameters, int timeout)
          A no-op implementation of IOHandler.connectClient(Map,int).
 int[] b)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from the socket, using the readTimeOut property, if set, or the Indy default timeout otherwise.
 int[] b, int len)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from the socket, using the readTimeOut property, if set, or the Indy default timeout otherwise.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from the socket, using the readTimeOut property, if set, or the Indy default timeout otherwise.
 java.lang.String AbstractIOHandler.readLine()
          Reads a line of text from the socket using the maximumLineLength and readTimeOut properties.
 java.lang.String AbstractIOHandler.readLine(int timeout, int maxLineLength)
          Reads a line of data from the socket
 int AbstractIOHandler.getReadTimeOut()
          Returns the current timeout for read operations on this IOHandler
 void AbstractIOHandler.setReadTimeOut(int newTimeout)
          Set the timeout for read operations on this IOHandler
 void IOHandlerSocket.setUseNagle(boolean use)
          Sets whether to use Nagle's Algorithm with this socket or not.
 boolean IOHandlerSocket.getUseNagle()
          Returns whether this socket is using Nagle's Algortihm.
 void IOHandlerSocket.flush()
          Flushes the output buffer of this IOHandlerSocket
 void IOHandlerSocket.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes a seqeunce of bytes to the socket
 void IOHandlerSocket.write(byte[] b)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to the socket
 void IOHandlerSocket.write(int b)
          Writes a single byte to the socket
          Reads a single byte of data from the socket
 int timeout)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int[] b, int off, int len, int timeout)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from the socket, using the specified timeout.
 int IOHandlerSocket.available()
          Returns the number of bytes that be read from the socket and buffer without blocking
 void IOHandlerSocket.connectClient(java.util.Map parameters, int timeout)
          Connects to a remote socket using the parameters given in map.
 void IOHandlerSocket.connectClient(java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String boundIP, int boundPort, int timeout)
          Connects this IOHandlerSocket to a remote socket whose address is given by host as either an IP address or FQDN and whose port is given by port If boundIP or boundPort are not null or < 1 respectively, the socket will bind to this local address and / or port.
 java.lang.String IOHandlerSocket.readLine(int timeout, int maxLineLength, java.lang.String encoding)
          Reads a line of data from the socket and assembles it using the given encoding.
 byte[] IOHandlerSocket.currentReadBuffer()
          Returns the current data that can be read from the socket without blocking
 void IOHandlerSocket.setReadTimeOut(int newReadTimeOut)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int IOHandlerSocket.getReadTimeOut()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Constructors in that throw IndyIOException
IOHandlerSocket( socket)
          Constructs a new instance of IOHandlerSocket around a pre-made

Uses of IndyIOException in org.indy.udp

Methods in org.indy.udp that throw IndyIOException
 void IdUDPBase.setActive(boolean value)
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected  int IdUDPBase.receiveBuffer(byte[] b, int off, int len, peer, int peerPort, int timeout)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int IdUDPBase.receiveBuffer(byte[] b, int off, int len, java.lang.String peerIP, int peerPort, int timeout)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int IdUDPBase.receiveBuffer(byte[] b, java.lang.String peerIP, int peerPort, int timeout)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int IdUDPBase.receiveBuffer(byte[] b, int off, int len, java.lang.String peerIP, int peerPort)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int IdUDPBase.receiveBuffer(byte[] b, java.lang.String peerIP, int peerPort)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int IdUDPBase.receiveBuffer(byte[] b, int off, int len, int timeout)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int IdUDPBase.receiveBuffer(byte[] b, int timeout)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int IdUDPBase.receiveBuffer(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 int IdUDPBase.receiveBuffer(byte[] b)
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of IndyIOException in org.indy.util

Methods in org.indy.util that throw IndyIOException
static boolean IndyUtilities.copyFileTo(java.lang.String src, java.lang.String dest)
          Description of the Method

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