Uses of Class

Packages that use IndyComponent

Uses of IndyComponent in org.indy

Subclasses of IndyComponent in org.indy
 class Connection
          Provides extended functionality for using org.indy.IOHandlers, such as reading and writing primitives, checking response codes and extracting RFC compliant messages.
 class TCPClient
          Description of the Class
 class TCPServer
          Description of the Class
 class TCPServerConnection
          Description of the Class

Methods in org.indy with parameters of type IndyComponent
protected  void ConnectionIntercept.nestedConnect(IndyComponent connection)
          Description of the Method
 void ConnectionIntercept.connect(IndyComponent comp)
          Description of the Method
 void IndyComponentListener.onStatus(IndyComponent sender, Status status, java.lang.String statusText)
          Signals a state change in the IndyComponent passed in the sender parameter.
 void IndyComponentListener.onBeginWork(IndyComponent sender, IndyComponent.WorkMode workMode, int size)
          Signals that the IndyComponent passed in sender has commenced a chunk of work of the given IndyComponent.WorkMode that will entail processing size bytes.
 void IndyComponentListener.onWork(IndyComponent sender, IndyComponent.WorkMode workMode, int workCount)
          Signals that a piece of work of a given IndyComponent.WorkMode undertaken by the IndyComponent sender has progressed by workCount bytes.
 void IndyComponentListener.onEndWork(IndyComponent sender, IndyComponent.WorkMode workMode)
          Signals that a chunk of work of the given IndyComponent.WorkMode has been compoleted by the IndyComponent sender

Constructors in org.indy with parameters of type IndyComponent
IndyStatusEvent(IndyComponent source, Status s, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Constructs a new IndyStatusEvent.
IndyStatusEvent(IndyComponent source, Status s)
          Constructs a new IndyStatusEvent.

Uses of IndyComponent in

Subclasses of IndyComponent in
 class ServerIOHandler
          Description of the Class
 class ServerIOHandlerSocket
          Description of the Class

Uses of IndyComponent in org.indy.messages

Subclasses of IndyComponent in org.indy.messages
 class MessageClient
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of IndyComponent in org.indy.socks

Subclasses of IndyComponent in org.indy.socks
 class SocksInfo
          Description of the Class

Uses of IndyComponent in org.indy.telnet

Subclasses of IndyComponent in org.indy.telnet
 class TelnetClient
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of IndyComponent in org.indy.udp

Subclasses of IndyComponent in org.indy.udp
 class IdUDPBase
          NB, Broadcast is ALWAYS enabled in Java UDP sockets, so there's no point including the property that appears in the Delphi version.

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